Self Improvement

Things To Think About

Education or Indoctrination,
Which do we have?Has the education system in the US failed in its mission?

What's Up With Ming

"Did you ever feel like an alien who somehow became stranded on a planet called Earth where nothing seemed to make any sense?" A quote from "Ming The Merciless"

Civilization Rehab

Recovering from civilization can be brutal but neccessary if we are to become truly free from it's influence. Kick the civilization habit here!

Being Human

The Condition Of Our ConditionArticles on the Human condition and how we might improve it.

Humint 2.0, A New Definition (continued)    By R.E. Darby

Bringing It All Together

If we're still hanging in there with the Balanced Healthy Systems Management model, who will be doing the management? Or, will this be necessary at all once everything comes together in an integrated manner? Earlier we played with the idea of the centered mind, however, the more I thought about it, the more I began to believe that we were asking an awful lot from one mind. Could it be that when all the domains are healthy and integrated properly, this condition will create a mind that will perform this function? A kind of higher consciousness?Or will we intuitively know when thinking in the abstract is called for and when emotional expression is appropriate or how to interpret what our instincts or spirit is trying to tell us?

Not having achieved this level of healthy system integration, I am unable to answer these questions at this time. But I am so looking forward to it. Until then we can only speculate on what a naturally functioning Human life form might be like. However, the fact that this condition should exist before any state of true intelligence can be achieved, at least the kind of intelligence we're talking about here, might be an acceptable assumption.

Also, we can wonder how a well developed intelligence, based on the Healthy Balanced Systems Management model might manifest itself. For example; earlier in our well intentioned but pitiful investigation into a new definition of intelligence that we are calling Humint 2.0, we made reference to a visit to our solar system by an alien species and how they might assess our level of intelligence. Yet we only took a cursory look at the possibilities at that time. But now it might be helpful to put ourselves into their position and take a look at these Humans on the third planetary body circling the star.

After abducting several of them and conducting various tests as well as tapping into their storage and communication mediums, we are stunned at the results. We stand there scratching our large hairless heads wondering if these results can be true or if we have made a mistake somewhere. The problems stem from the paradoxes. Our tests revealed unbelievable potential while our observations reveal how incredibly underdeveloped that potential is. While it is true that any species needs time to evolve and develop, these Humans have been around for hundreds of thousands of their years and don't seem to be getting anywhere. They seem to make advancements in some areas while remaining retarded in others. Also they sometimes go completely backwards and undo all their accomplishments, the so called dark ages being the most recent example. And these events have apparently been initiated primarily by wars greed and self serving ego states. In fact, from the big picture point of view, this entire species seems to be defined by these such events andcharecteristics.

We aliens, being a reasonably intelligent species, have long known what violent conflict is an indication of, and it's all about fear and ignorance. And it was this realization that finally led us to the needed understanding, because we also know that violent conflict is not the only manifestation of fear and ignorance. But here we must make a clear distinction between natural ignorance and self induced ignorance which is almost always a product of fear. Natural ignorance is of course natural and necessary for any species with advanced potential for learning.Once we realized this, the perplexing behavior of these Humans became clear. Even the big question as to why a species with so much potential, has not developed that potential, was now answered. The surrender to fear is a commitment to a slow and inevitable self destruction by shutting down the learning and growing processes. It spells the doom of any species with the potential for intelligence by using that very potential to design and implement strategies of self deception and denial, which are the initial symptoms of decay.

When we looked into their archives we found that they already had the answers to these and many other critical problems, all they had to do was rediscover them. The first of which is a total commitment to self realization. Certain forms of meditation are the key to this. Once awareness is achieved, the learning and growing processes can begin. The healing of the domains of intelligence will follow and the development of a real intelligence will take place.

When aliens speak of a real intelligence as opposed to the assumed intelligence of current Human civilization, what exactly would they mean? If Humans think about intelligence at all what criteria do they use? Abstract thinking? Tool Making and use? The ability to be smart and cleaver? The actual truth is that the majority of Humans don't think about intelligence at all, which is not difficult to understand since the majority of Humans have never learned how to think. What they experience as thinking is mostly conditioned responses to what they perceive as repetitive events.


Awakening From The Dream

It's almost like when we were children and we looked around at the world and thought to ourselves, 'what the heck is this?' or 'what a wonder'. And as if we were running from something fearful, we took shelter in a dream of reality. Our dream served our every need and desire and wrapped us in a spell of warmth and comfort and we sank into an illusion of security, a self induced trance from which we could not awaken, because the longer we stayed in the trance, the more it seemed to be the real world and why would we feel the need to escape the real world?

But no matter how much energy we bring to the task of avoidance, there is always that little voice deep in our hearts that occasionally peeks out and whispers that something isn't right. At such times we usually bring reinforcements to quell the rebellion, the threat to our comfort zone, and we are usually successful, until the next time. Our hearts always know the truth.

And our hearts know something isn't right when;

  • A species sacrifices life on behalf of an economic system of exchange
  • A species spends the majority of their personal energy resources avoiding responsibility
  • A species is blind to the need for developing maturity
  • A species chooses fear over the path of love
  • When the infrastructure of civilization becomes more important than the quality of lives it was createdto serve.
  • When marketing is more important than contribution
  • When financial wealth is more important than grace
  • When a child's smile, no longer touches our hearts
  • When the lives of children who are a species future, no longer have value

The concept of harmony that we visited briefly when we were looking into the spiritual domain, seems to be more than appropriate when applied to the overall concept of Human intelligence. When four powerful healthy unique domains come together in a harmonious integration, what might the consequences be? Has such a condition ever occurred among the Human species? And if such a Human did appear, would the general population fear him or her and respond by destroying them? It is a sad vision of the Human species, but our history is full of examples of such behavior.

A truly intelligent Human life form. What a concept. What a goal to set ourselves. There remains only one last question. Can, and will we do it, before we go down in the flames of fear and ignorance?

So this is the outline of the basic conceptual framework for the new definition for Human intelligence. If this has stimulated your mind to the point that you have some constructive input, then please join in the project. I am not so arrogant as to believe that this is more than a rudimentary effort based on my lack of knowledge and experience, but even if we have to trash this entirely in favor of a different framework, we must at least begin somewhere. Who knows, efforts such as this could turn out to be critical to our future survival.